Empowering the Dreams of a Kenyan Girl Child

Archive for November 2017

A team of five empowered individuals from Mfariji Africa set to carry out a girl’s empowerment event in Kitui on October 25th just before the Kenya Certificate for Primary School Examination(KCPE). This was a very sensitive time in the country with presidential elections nullified and a re-run set for 3...

Consider supporting a girl today!

Mfariji Africa integrates Mentoring, reproductive health and menstrual hygiene training and scholarships

Quick Contacts

Address (KE) : P.O. Box: 46253-00200 Nairobi, Kenya.
Address (US) : 111 Valley Rd, New Castle DE,19720 US
Phone (KE): +254 720 411 782
Phone (US): +130 2897 4224
Email: info@mfarijiafrica.org