Empowering the Dreams of a Kenyan Girl Child


A team of five empowered individuals from Mfariji Africa set to carry out a girl’s empowerment event in Kitui on October 25th just before the Kenya Certificate for Primary School Examination(KCPE). This was a very sensitive time in the country with presidential elections nullified and a re-run set for 3...

Dreams Do Come True

"My granddaughter, Irene,  is the joy of my life. I raised her with high expectations and ensured she finished her primary education without glitches. Last year she completed her 8th grade and outdid herself as the top student in her school and division. We received the news with lots of excitement...

Consider supporting a girl today!

Mfariji Africa integrates Mentoring, reproductive health and menstrual hygiene training and scholarships

Quick Contacts

Address (KE) : P.O. Box: 46253-00200 Nairobi, Kenya.
Address (US) : 111 Valley Rd, New Castle DE,19720 US
Phone (KE): +254 720 411 782
Phone (US): +130 2897 4224
Email: info@mfarijiafrica.org