Empowering the Dreams of a Kenyan Girl Child


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Congress must say ‘no’ to unprecedented foreign aid cuts

The White House just released a national budget that includes extreme, unprecedented cuts to foreign aid. Congress must say “no.”

Here is just one of the many things on the chopping block: the chance for millions of children to achieve their simple dream of – and their right to – an education. With a staggering 263 million children and youth out of school globally, the White House responds by eliminating the main account funding education. This is outrageous and nonsensical. What is for them a forgettable line-item in their massive budget is the future for millions of people, who just want a chance to go to school.

Growing up as a little girl in a rural African setting was no easy task. I went to school in a time when my community believed girls are born to produce dowry for their parents. I was lucky that my parents, although struggling, understood the importance of education.

When I finished my undergraduate studies, I quickly landed a good job in a technology firm, but I was eager to rewrite the narrative and make my community see the difference education made for me.

Click the link below to read the whole story featured by Delaware State News,USA

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Congress must say ‘no’ to unprecedented foreign aid cuts

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